
Trademark Practice

Our clients’ trademarks and brands are extremely valuable assets. In today’s complex marketplace trademark issues can arise in a variety of areas. In today’s global market, the protection of a client’s trademark and brand becomes more difficult. As the online marketplace continues to expand, trademark issues continue to become more complex and challenging.

We also have a trusted global network of foreign associates that assist our clients in various trademark matters throughout the world. We particularly pride ourselves in providing our clients with practical advice and counseling to help them acquire and maintain these valuable assets and achieve their goals.

Our services include:

  • Development and management of client worldwide trademark portfolios.
  • Domestic and international trademark clearance searching to assess freedom to operate and the ability to register trademarks.
  • Preparation, prosecution and maintenance of U.S. and international trademark applications and registrations before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and oversea administrative agencies.
  • Litigation proceedings before the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) and foreign administrative bodies, including trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings.
  • Negotiation and drafting of various agreements involving trademarks, including settlement, coexistence, assignment, and license agreements.
  • Trademark and trade dress infringement matters and litigation.
  • Trademark surveillance and policing procedures, including trademark watch services for competitive marks.
  • Domain name protection, acquisition and enforcement, including actions under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) to recover domain names incorporating client trademarks.

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About Us

Ruggiero IP and its lawyers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience practicing intellectual property law, and a strong passion to service clients on key aspects of patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret and related transactional matters. We strive to deliver important legal advice and services to clients in a focused and cost-manageable way. Our primary goal is to offer client services that provide solutions to complex issues utilizing the highest standards of professionalism.

Our Team

Charles N. J. Ruggiero

Charles N. J. Ruggiero

Charlie's expertise is in a wide range of intellectual property issues including acquisitions, divestitures, mergers and licensing...
Terrence J. McAllister

Terrence J. McAllister

Terry heads up the Trademark Practice Group, practices in all areas of trademark and copyright law.
Ned McMahon

Ned McMahon

Ned has extensive experience counseling clients on the drafting and prosecuting of patent applications, as well as various opinion matters, including...

Contact Us

One Landmark Square Stamford, CT​